第四章 向量数据库与词向量(Vectorstores and Embeddings)



图 4.4 检索增强生成整体流程

前两节课我们讨论了 Document Loading(文档加载)和 Splitting(分割)。



下面文档是 datawhale 官方开源的 matplotlib 教程链接 https://datawhalechina.github.io/fantastic-matplotlib/index.html ,可在该网站上下载对应的教程。


  1. from langchain.document_loaders import PyPDFLoader
  2. # 加载 PDF
  3. loaders_chinese = [
  4. # 故意添加重复文档,使数据混乱
  5. PyPDFLoader("docs/matplotlib/第一回:Matplotlib初相识.pdf"),
  6. PyPDFLoader("docs/matplotlib/第一回:Matplotlib初相识.pdf"),
  7. PyPDFLoader("docs/matplotlib/第二回:艺术画笔见乾坤.pdf"),
  8. PyPDFLoader("docs/matplotlib/第三回:布局格式定方圆.pdf")
  9. ]
  10. docs = []
  11. for loader in loaders_chinese:
  12. docs.extend(loader.load())


  1. # 分割文本
  2. from langchain.text_splitter import RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter
  3. text_splitter = RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter(
  4. chunk_size = 1500, # 每个文本块的大小。这意味着每次切分文本时,会尽量使每个块包含 1500 个字符。
  5. chunk_overlap = 150 # 每个文本块之间的重叠部分。
  6. )
  7. splits = text_splitter.split_documents(docs)
  8. print(len(splits))
  1. 27




举个例子,我们可以使用词嵌入(word embeddings)来表示文本数据。在词嵌入中,每个单词被转换为一个向量,这个向量捕获了这个单词的语义信息。例如,”king” 和 “queen” 这两个单词在嵌入空间中的位置将会非常接近,因为它们的含义相似。而 “apple” 和 “orange” 也会很接近,因为它们都是水果。而 “king” 和 “apple” 这两个单词在嵌入空间中的距离就会比较远,因为它们的含义不同。


  1. from langchain.embeddings.openai import OpenAIEmbeddings
  2. embedding = OpenAIEmbeddings()



  1. sentence1_chinese = "我喜欢狗"
  2. sentence2_chinese = "我喜欢犬科动物"
  3. sentence3_chinese = "外面的天气很糟糕"
  4. embedding1_chinese = embedding.embed_query(sentence1_chinese)
  5. embedding2_chinese = embedding.embed_query(sentence2_chinese)
  6. embedding3_chinese = embedding.embed_query(sentence3_chinese)






  1. import numpy as np
  2. np.dot(embedding1_chinese, embedding2_chinese)
  1. 0.9440614936689298


  1. np.dot(embedding1_chinese, embedding3_chinese)
  1. 0.792186975021313


  1. np.dot(embedding2_chinese, embedding3_chinese)
  1. 0.7804109942586283



3.1 初始化Chroma



  1. from langchain.vectorstores import Chroma
  2. persist_directory_chinese = 'docs/chroma/matplotlib/'


  1. !rm -rf './docs/chroma/matplotlib' # 删除旧的数据库文件(如果文件夹中有文件的话)


  1. vectordb_chinese = Chroma.from_documents(
  2. documents=splits,
  3. embedding=embedding,
  4. persist_directory=persist_directory_chinese # 允许我们将persist_directory目录保存到磁盘上
  5. )
  1. 100%|██████████| 1/1 [00:01<00:00, 1.64s/it]


  1. print(vectordb_chinese._collection.count())
  1. 27

3.2 相似性搜索(Similarity Search)


  1. question_chinese = "Matplotlib是什么?"


  1. docs_chinese = vectordb_chinese.similarity_search(question_chinese,k=3)


  1. len(docs_chinese)
  1. 3

打印其 page_content 属性可以看到检索答案的文本:

  1. print(docs_chinese[0].page_content)
  1. 第⼀回:Matplotlib 初相识
  2. ⼀、认识matplotlib
  3. Matplotlib 是⼀个 Python 2D 绘图库,能够以多种硬拷⻉格式和跨平台的交互式环境⽣成出版物质量的图形,⽤来绘制各种静态,动态,
  4. 交互式的图表。
  5. Matplotlib 可⽤于 Python 脚本, Python IPython Shell Jupyter notebook Web 应⽤程序服务器和各种图形⽤户界⾯⼯具包等。
  6. Matplotlib Python 数据可视化库中的泰⽃,它已经成为 python 中公认的数据可视化⼯具,我们所熟知的 pandas seaborn 的绘图接⼝
  7. 其实也是基于 matplotlib 所作的⾼级封装。
  8. 为了对matplotlib 有更好的理解,让我们从⼀些最基本的概念开始认识它,再逐渐过渡到⼀些⾼级技巧中。
  9. ⼆、⼀个最简单的绘图例⼦
  10. Matplotlib 的图像是画在 figure (如 windows jupyter 窗体)上的,每⼀个 figure ⼜包含了⼀个或多个 axes (⼀个可以指定坐标系的⼦区
  11. 域)。最简单的创建 figure 以及 axes 的⽅式是通过 pyplot.subplots命令,创建 axes 以后,可以使⽤ Axes.plot绘制最简易的折线图。
  12. import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
  13. import matplotlib as mpl
  14. import numpy as np
  15. fig, ax = plt.subplots() # 创建⼀个包含⼀个 axes 的 figure
  16. ax.plot([1, 2, 3, 4], [1, 4, 2, 3]); # 绘制图像
  17. Trick jupyter notebook 中使⽤ matplotlib 时会发现,代码运⾏后⾃动打印出类似 <matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x23155916dc0>
  18. 这样⼀段话,这是因为 matplotlib 的绘图代码默认打印出最后⼀个对象。如果不想显示这句话,有以下三种⽅法,在本章节的代码示例
  19. 中你能找到这三种⽅法的使⽤。
  20. . 在代码块最后加⼀个分号 ;
  21. . 在代码块最后加⼀句 plt.show()
  22. . 在绘图时将绘图对象显式赋值给⼀个变量,如将 plt.plot([1, 2, 3, 4]) 改成 line =plt.plot([1, 2, 3, 4])
  23. MATLAB 命令类似,你还可以通过⼀种更简单的⽅式绘制图像, matplotlib.pyplot⽅法能够直接在当前 axes 上绘制图像,如果⽤户
  24. 未指定axes matplotlib 会帮你⾃动创建⼀个。所以上⾯的例⼦也可以简化为以下这⼀⾏代码。
  25. line =plt.plot([1, 2, 3, 4], [1, 4, 2, 3])
  26. 三、Figure 的组成
  27. 现在我们来深⼊看⼀下 figure 的组成。通过⼀张 figure 解剖图,我们可以看到⼀个完整的 matplotlib 图像通常会包括以下四个层级,这些
  28. 层级也被称为容器( container ),下⼀节会详细介绍。在 matplotlib 的世界中,我们将通过各种命令⽅法来操纵图像中的每⼀个部分,
  29. 从⽽达到数据可视化的最终效果,⼀副完整的图像实际上是各类⼦元素的集合。
  30. Figure:顶层级,⽤来容纳所有绘图元素


  1. vectordb_chinese.persist()

四、失败的情况(Failure modes)


4.1 重复块

  1. question_chinese = "Matplotlib是什么?"
  2. docs_chinese = vectordb_chinese.similarity_search(question_chinese,k=5)

请注意,我们得到了重复的块(因为索引中有重复的 第一回:Matplotlib初相识.pdf)。


docs[0]docs[1] 是完全相同的。

  1. print("docs[0]")
  2. print(docs_chinese[0])
  3. print("docs[1]")
  4. print(docs_chinese[1])
  1. docs[0]
  2. page_content='第⼀回:Matplotlib 初相识\n⼀、认识matplotlib\nMatplotlib 是⼀个 Python 2D 绘图库,能够以多种硬拷⻉格式和跨平台的交互式环境⽣成出版物质量的图形,⽤来绘制各种静态,动态,\n交互式的图表。\nMatplotlib 可⽤于 Python 脚本, Python 和 IPython Shell 、 Jupyter notebook , Web 应⽤程序服务器和各种图形⽤户界⾯⼯具包等。\nMatplotlib 是 Python 数据可视化库中的泰⽃,它已经成为 python 中公认的数据可视化⼯具,我们所熟知的 pandas 和 seaborn 的绘图接⼝\n其实也是基于 matplotlib 所作的⾼级封装。\n为了对matplotlib 有更好的理解,让我们从⼀些最基本的概念开始认识它,再逐渐过渡到⼀些⾼级技巧中。\n⼆、⼀个最简单的绘图例⼦\nMatplotlib 的图像是画在 figure (如 windows , jupyter 窗体)上的,每⼀个 figure ⼜包含了⼀个或多个 axes (⼀个可以指定坐标系的⼦区\n域)。最简单的创建 figure 以及 axes 的⽅式是通过 pyplot.subplots命令,创建 axes 以后,可以使⽤ Axes.plot绘制最简易的折线图。\nimport matplotlib.pyplot as plt\nimport matplotlib as mpl\nimport numpy as np\nfig, ax = plt.subplots() # 创建⼀个包含⼀个 axes 的 figure\nax.plot([1, 2, 3, 4], [1, 4, 2, 3]); # 绘制图像\nTrick: 在jupyter notebook 中使⽤ matplotlib 时会发现,代码运⾏后⾃动打印出类似 <matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x23155916dc0>\n这样⼀段话,这是因为 matplotlib 的绘图代码默认打印出最后⼀个对象。如果不想显示这句话,有以下三种⽅法,在本章节的代码示例\n中你能找到这三种⽅法的使⽤。\n\x00. 在代码块最后加⼀个分号 ;\n\x00. 在代码块最后加⼀句 plt.show()\n\x00. 在绘图时将绘图对象显式赋值给⼀个变量,如将 plt.plot([1, 2, 3, 4]) 改成 line =plt.plot([1, 2, 3, 4])\n和MATLAB 命令类似,你还可以通过⼀种更简单的⽅式绘制图像, matplotlib.pyplot⽅法能够直接在当前 axes 上绘制图像,如果⽤户\n未指定axes , matplotlib 会帮你⾃动创建⼀个。所以上⾯的例⼦也可以简化为以下这⼀⾏代码。\nline =plt.plot([1, 2, 3, 4], [1, 4, 2, 3]) \n三、Figure 的组成\n现在我们来深⼊看⼀下 figure 的组成。通过⼀张 figure 解剖图,我们可以看到⼀个完整的 matplotlib 图像通常会包括以下四个层级,这些\n层级也被称为容器( container ),下⼀节会详细介绍。在 matplotlib 的世界中,我们将通过各种命令⽅法来操纵图像中的每⼀个部分,\n从⽽达到数据可视化的最终效果,⼀副完整的图像实际上是各类⼦元素的集合。\nFigure:顶层级,⽤来容纳所有绘图元素' metadata={'source': 'docs/matplotlib/第一回:Matplotlib初相识.pdf', 'page': 0}
  3. docs[1]
  4. page_content='第⼀回:Matplotlib 初相识\n⼀、认识matplotlib\nMatplotlib 是⼀个 Python 2D 绘图库,能够以多种硬拷⻉格式和跨平台的交互式环境⽣成出版物质量的图形,⽤来绘制各种静态,动态,\n交互式的图表。\nMatplotlib 可⽤于 Python 脚本, Python 和 IPython Shell 、 Jupyter notebook , Web 应⽤程序服务器和各种图形⽤户界⾯⼯具包等。\nMatplotlib 是 Python 数据可视化库中的泰⽃,它已经成为 python 中公认的数据可视化⼯具,我们所熟知的 pandas 和 seaborn 的绘图接⼝\n其实也是基于 matplotlib 所作的⾼级封装。\n为了对matplotlib 有更好的理解,让我们从⼀些最基本的概念开始认识它,再逐渐过渡到⼀些⾼级技巧中。\n⼆、⼀个最简单的绘图例⼦\nMatplotlib 的图像是画在 figure (如 windows , jupyter 窗体)上的,每⼀个 figure ⼜包含了⼀个或多个 axes (⼀个可以指定坐标系的⼦区\n域)。最简单的创建 figure 以及 axes 的⽅式是通过 pyplot.subplots命令,创建 axes 以后,可以使⽤ Axes.plot绘制最简易的折线图。\nimport matplotlib.pyplot as plt\nimport matplotlib as mpl\nimport numpy as np\nfig, ax = plt.subplots() # 创建⼀个包含⼀个 axes 的 figure\nax.plot([1, 2, 3, 4], [1, 4, 2, 3]); # 绘制图像\nTrick: 在jupyter notebook 中使⽤ matplotlib 时会发现,代码运⾏后⾃动打印出类似 <matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x23155916dc0>\n这样⼀段话,这是因为 matplotlib 的绘图代码默认打印出最后⼀个对象。如果不想显示这句话,有以下三种⽅法,在本章节的代码示例\n中你能找到这三种⽅法的使⽤。\n\x00. 在代码块最后加⼀个分号 ;\n\x00. 在代码块最后加⼀句 plt.show()\n\x00. 在绘图时将绘图对象显式赋值给⼀个变量,如将 plt.plot([1, 2, 3, 4]) 改成 line =plt.plot([1, 2, 3, 4])\n和MATLAB 命令类似,你还可以通过⼀种更简单的⽅式绘制图像, matplotlib.pyplot⽅法能够直接在当前 axes 上绘制图像,如果⽤户\n未指定axes , matplotlib 会帮你⾃动创建⼀个。所以上⾯的例⼦也可以简化为以下这⼀⾏代码。\nline =plt.plot([1, 2, 3, 4], [1, 4, 2, 3]) \n三、Figure 的组成\n现在我们来深⼊看⼀下 figure 的组成。通过⼀张 figure 解剖图,我们可以看到⼀个完整的 matplotlib 图像通常会包括以下四个层级,这些\n层级也被称为容器( container ),下⼀节会详细介绍。在 matplotlib 的世界中,我们将通过各种命令⽅法来操纵图像中的每⼀个部分,\n从⽽达到数据可视化的最终效果,⼀副完整的图像实际上是各类⼦元素的集合。\nFigure:顶层级,⽤来容纳所有绘图元素' metadata={'source': 'docs/matplotlib/第一回:Matplotlib初相识.pdf', 'page': 0}

4.2 检索错误答案



  1. question_chinese = "他们在第二讲中对Figure说了些什么?"
  2. docs_chinese = vectordb_chinese.similarity_search(question_chinese,k=5)
  3. for doc_chinese in docs_chinese:
  4. print(doc_chinese.metadata)
  1. {'source': 'docs/matplotlib/第一回:Matplotlib初相识.pdf', 'page': 0}
  2. {'source': 'docs/matplotlib/第一回:Matplotlib初相识.pdf', 'page': 0}
  3. {'source': 'docs/matplotlib/第二回:艺术画笔见乾坤.pdf', 'page': 9}
  4. {'source': 'docs/matplotlib/第二回:艺术画笔见乾坤.pdf', 'page': 10}
  5. {'source': 'docs/matplotlib/第一回:Matplotlib初相识.pdf', 'page': 1}


  1. print(docs_chinese[2].page_content)
  1. 三、对象容器 - Object container
  2. 容器会包含⼀些 primitives,并且容器还有它⾃身的属性。
  3. ⽐如Axes Artist,它是⼀种容器,它包含了很多 primitives,⽐如Line2DText;同时,它也有⾃身的属性,⽐如 xscal,⽤来控制
  4. X轴是linear还是log的。
  5. 1. Figure容器
  6. matplotlib.figure.FigureArtist最顶层的 container对象容器,它包含了图表中的所有元素。⼀张图表的背景就是在
  7. Figure.patch的⼀个矩形 Rectangle
  8. 当我们向图表添加 Figure.add_subplot()或者Figure.add_axes()元素时,这些都会被添加到 Figure.axes列表中。
  9. fig = plt.figure()
  10. ax1 = fig.add_subplot(211) # 作⼀幅2*1 的图,选择第 1 个⼦图
  11. ax2 = fig.add_axes([0.1, 0.1, 0.7, 0.3]) # 位置参数,四个数分别代表了
  12. (left,bottom,width,height)
  13. print(ax1)
  14. print(fig.axes) # fig.axes 中包含了 subplot 和 axes 两个实例 , 刚刚添加的
  15. AxesSubplot(0.125,0.536818;0.775x0.343182)
  16. [<AxesSubplot:>, <Axes:>]
  17. 由于Figure维持了current axes,因此你不应该⼿动的从 Figure.axes列表中添加删除元素,⽽是要通过 Figure.add_subplot()、
  18. Figure.add_axes()来添加元素,通过 Figure.delaxes()来删除元素。但是你可以迭代或者访问 Figure.axes中的Axes,然后修改这个
  19. Axes的属性。
  20. ⽐如下⾯的遍历 axes ⾥的内容,并且添加⽹格线:
  21. fig = plt.figure()
  22. ax1 = fig.add_subplot(211)
  23. for ax in fig.axes:
  24. ax.grid(True)
  25. Figure也有它⾃⼰的 textline patch image。你可以直接通过 add primitive语句直接添加。但是注意 Figure默认的坐标系是以像
  26. 素为单位,你可能需要转换成 figure 坐标系: (0,0) 表示左下点, (1,1) 表示右上点。
  27. Figure容器的常⻅属性:
  28. Figure.patch属性:Figure 的背景矩形
  29. Figure.axes属性:⼀个 Axes 实例的列表(包括 Subplot)
  30. Figure.images属性:⼀个 FigureImages patch 列表
  31. Figure.lines属性:⼀个 Line2D 实例的列表(很少使⽤)
  32. Figure.legends属性:⼀个 Figure Legend 实例列表(不同于 Axes.legends)
  33. Figure.texts属性:⼀个 Figure Text 实例列表



1.1 读取文档

  1. from langchain.document_loaders import PyPDFLoader
  2. # 加载 PDF
  3. loaders = [
  4. # 故意添加重复文档,使数据混乱
  5. PyPDFLoader("docs/cs229_lectures/MachineLearning-Lecture01.pdf"),
  6. PyPDFLoader("docs/cs229_lectures/MachineLearning-Lecture01.pdf"),
  7. PyPDFLoader("docs/cs229_lectures/MachineLearning-Lecture02.pdf"),
  8. PyPDFLoader("docs/cs229_lectures/MachineLearning-Lecture03.pdf")
  9. ]
  10. docs = []
  11. for loader in loaders:
  12. docs.extend(loader.load())


  1. # 分割文本
  2. from langchain.text_splitter import RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter
  3. text_splitter = RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter(
  4. chunk_size = 1500, # 每个文本块的大小。这意味着每次切分文本时,会尽量使每个块包含 1500 个字符。
  5. chunk_overlap = 150 # 每个文本块之间的重叠部分。
  6. )
  7. splits = text_splitter.split_documents(docs)
  8. print(len(splits))
  1. 209

2.1 Embedding

  1. from langchain.embeddings.openai import OpenAIEmbeddings
  2. import numpy as np
  3. embedding = OpenAIEmbeddings()
  4. sentence1 = "i like dogs"
  5. sentence2 = "i like canines"
  6. sentence3 = "the weather is ugly outside"
  7. embedding1 = embedding.embed_query(sentence1)
  8. embedding2 = embedding.embed_query(sentence2)
  9. embedding3 = embedding.embed_query(sentence3)
  10. print("Sentence 1 VS setence 2")
  11. print(np.dot(embedding1, embedding2))
  12. print("Sentence 1 VS setence 3")
  13. print(np.dot(embedding1, embedding3))
  14. print("Sentence 2 VS sentence 3")
  15. print(np.dot(embedding2, embedding3))
  1. Sentence 1 VS setence 2
  2. 0.9632026347895142
  3. Sentence 1 VS setence 3
  4. 0.7711302839662464
  5. Sentence 2 VS sentence 3
  6. 0.759699788340627

3.1 初始化 Chroma

  1. from langchain.vectorstores import Chroma
  2. persist_directory = 'docs/chroma/cs229_lectures/'
  3. vectordb = Chroma.from_documents(
  4. documents=splits,
  5. embedding=embedding,
  6. persist_directory=persist_directory # 允许我们将persist_directory目录保存到磁盘上
  7. )
  8. print(vectordb._collection.count())
  1. 100%|██████████| 1/1 [00:02<00:00, 2.62s/it]
  2. 209

3.2 相似性检索

  1. question = "is there an email i can ask for help" # "有我可以寻求帮助的电子邮件吗"
  2. docs = vectordb.similarity_search(question,k=3)
  3. print("Length of docs: ", len(docs))
  4. print("Page content:")
  5. print(docs[0].page_content)
  1. Length of docs: 3
  2. Page content:
  3. cs229-qa@cs.stanford.edu. This goes to an acc ount that's read by all the TAs and me. So
  4. rather than sending us email individually, if you send email to this account, it will
  5. actually let us get back to you maximally quickly with answers to your questions.
  6. If you're asking questions about homework probl ems, please say in the subject line which
  7. assignment and which question the email refers to, since that will also help us to route
  8. your question to the appropriate TA or to me appropriately and get the response back to
  9. you quickly.
  10. Let's see. Skipping ahead — let's see for homework, one midterm, one open and term
  11. project. Notice on the honor code. So one thi ng that I think will help you to succeed and
  12. do well in this class and even help you to enjoy this cla ss more is if you form a study
  13. group.
  14. So start looking around where you' re sitting now or at the end of class today, mingle a
  15. little bit and get to know your classmates. I strongly encourage you to form study groups
  16. and sort of have a group of people to study with and have a group of your fellow students
  17. to talk over these concepts with. You can also post on the class news group if you want to
  18. use that to try to form a study group.
  19. But some of the problems sets in this cla ss are reasonably difficult. People that have
  20. taken the class before may tell you they were very difficult. And just I bet it would be
  21. more fun for you, and you'd probably have a be tter learning experience if you form a


  1. vectordb.persist()

4.1 重复块

  1. question = "what did they say about matlab?" # "他们对 matlab 有何评价?"
  2. docs = vectordb.similarity_search(question,k=5)
  3. print("docs[0]")
  4. print(docs[0])
  5. print("docs[1]")
  6. print(docs[1])
  1. docs[0]
  2. page_content='those homeworks will be done in either MATLA B or in Octave, which is sort of — I \nknow some people call it a free ve rsion of MATLAB, which it sort of is, sort of isn\'t. \nSo I guess for those of you that haven\'t s een MATLAB before, and I know most of you \nhave, MATLAB is I guess part of the programming language that makes it very easy to write codes using matrices, to write code for numerical routines, to move data around, to \nplot data. And it\'s sort of an extremely easy to learn tool to use for implementing a lot of \nlearning algorithms. \nAnd in case some of you want to work on your own home computer or something if you \ndon\'t have a MATLAB license, for the purposes of this class, there\'s also — [inaudible] \nwrite that down [inaudible] MATLAB — there\' s also a software package called Octave \nthat you can download for free off the Internet. And it has somewhat fewer features than MATLAB, but it\'s free, and for the purposes of this class, it will work for just about \neverything. \nSo actually I, well, so yeah, just a side comment for those of you that haven\'t seen \nMATLAB before I guess, once a colleague of mine at a different university, not at \nStanford, actually teaches another machine l earning course. He\'s taught it for many years. \nSo one day, he was in his office, and an old student of his from, lik e, ten years ago came \ninto his office and he said, "Oh, professo r, professor, thank you so much for your' metadata={'source': 'docs/cs229_lectures/MachineLearning-Lecture01.pdf', 'page': 8}
  3. docs[1]
  4. page_content='those homeworks will be done in either MATLA B or in Octave, which is sort of — I \nknow some people call it a free ve rsion of MATLAB, which it sort of is, sort of isn\'t. \nSo I guess for those of you that haven\'t s een MATLAB before, and I know most of you \nhave, MATLAB is I guess part of the programming language that makes it very easy to write codes using matrices, to write code for numerical routines, to move data around, to \nplot data. And it\'s sort of an extremely easy to learn tool to use for implementing a lot of \nlearning algorithms. \nAnd in case some of you want to work on your own home computer or something if you \ndon\'t have a MATLAB license, for the purposes of this class, there\'s also — [inaudible] \nwrite that down [inaudible] MATLAB — there\' s also a software package called Octave \nthat you can download for free off the Internet. And it has somewhat fewer features than MATLAB, but it\'s free, and for the purposes of this class, it will work for just about \neverything. \nSo actually I, well, so yeah, just a side comment for those of you that haven\'t seen \nMATLAB before I guess, once a colleague of mine at a different university, not at \nStanford, actually teaches another machine l earning course. He\'s taught it for many years. \nSo one day, he was in his office, and an old student of his from, lik e, ten years ago came \ninto his office and he said, "Oh, professo r, professor, thank you so much for your' metadata={'source': 'docs/cs229_lectures/MachineLearning-Lecture01.pdf', 'page': 8}

4.2 检索错误答案

  1. question = "what did they say about regression in the third lecture?" # "他们在第三讲中是怎么谈论回归的?"
  2. docs = vectordb.similarity_search(question,k=5)
  3. for doc in docs:
  4. print(doc.metadata)
  5. print("docs-4:")
  6. print(docs[4].page_content)
  1. {'source': 'docs/cs229_lectures/MachineLearning-Lecture03.pdf', 'page': 0}
  2. {'source': 'docs/cs229_lectures/MachineLearning-Lecture03.pdf', 'page': 14}
  3. {'source': 'docs/cs229_lectures/MachineLearning-Lecture02.pdf', 'page': 0}
  4. {'source': 'docs/cs229_lectures/MachineLearning-Lecture03.pdf', 'page': 6}
  5. {'source': 'docs/cs229_lectures/MachineLearning-Lecture01.pdf', 'page': 8}
  6. docs-4:
  7. into his office and he said, "Oh, professo r, professor, thank you so much for your
  8. machine learning class. I learned so much from it. There's this stuff that I learned in your
  9. class, and I now use every day. And it's help ed me make lots of money, and here's a
  10. picture of my big house."
  11. So my friend was very excited. He said, "W ow. That's great. I'm glad to hear this
  12. machine learning stuff was actually useful. So what was it that you learned? Was it
  13. logistic regression? Was it the PCA? Was it the data ne tworks? What was it that you
  14. learned that was so helpful?" And the student said, "Oh, it was the MATLAB."
  15. So for those of you that don't know MATLAB yet, I hope you do learn it. It's not hard,
  16. and we'll actually have a short MATLAB tutori al in one of the discussion sections for
  17. those of you that don't know it.
  18. Okay. The very last piece of logistical th ing is the discussion s ections. So discussion
  19. sections will be taught by the TAs, and atte ndance at discussion sections is optional,
  20. although they'll also be recorded and televi sed. And we'll use the discussion sections
  21. mainly for two things. For the next two or th ree weeks, we'll use the discussion sections
  22. to go over the prerequisites to this class or if some of you haven't seen probability or
  23. statistics for a while or maybe algebra, we'll go over those in the discussion sections as a
  24. refresher for those of you that want one.